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Palau Blau Grana seating?

1 answer

Julian Garcia Nigris
Julian Garcia Nigris

Of course the “best seats” and angles will depend on which sport you’ve gone to see – the good news is that since it’s a fairly modestly sized stadium, there are virtually no bad seats whatsoever. Tickets start from as low as €12 each for basketball games, which is pretty incredible given the quality of both the teams involved and the venue itself. You can find a fixtures and price list online for all of the sports, so go check it out!

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As you know, prices depend on the visibility and the type of the game. If you want to go to a basketball match, tickets start from 12 euro. If you want VIP seats, you will have to pay around 120 euro. The best place to sit is in the central and lower part of the field. You will feel inside the game!

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