Best Food and Drink at Oakwell Stadium?
1 answer
If you’ve travelled from the states (or probably anywhere else) you’ll likely be disappointed with the “food” served at UK football games: it’s just pies, pasties and the sort. You can buy beer at the stadium as well, but only when the entire “away” stand is dedicated to the travelling supporters. It is often shared, and then alcohol is only sold on the home side. A shame, but a sensible precaution as things can always get heated in a football stadium.
- Jake Burgess answered 8 years ago
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Oakwell is a typical lower league stadium and the food here is no different. The word classic springs to mind, as you will find burgers, hot dogs and of course pies for sale at the numerous concourses inside the stadium. A pie will cost you £3.20 here compared to the national average of £3.32 – so spend your 12p on something special!
Alcohol is served in all area of the grounds, however there have been reports of the bar being shut in the away end, if the stand is shared with home and away fans. If it’s open however you’ll be able to get a bottle of Carslberg for £3.40
- Sam Hurst answered 8 years ago
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