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Best food at Wrigley Field?

Matt Scully

1 answer

Nick Pecucci
Nick Pecucci
Great Answer

Wrigley Field is home to a seemingly endless amount of concessions. The traditional, tasty Vienna Beef hot dog ($5.50) can either be purchased from the convenience of your own seat from one of the many vendors combing the aisles. The concession stands located throughout the ballpark are home to other great eats, including (but by no means limited to) mouth-watering slices of stuffed pizza from Giordano’s ($8.50) and delicious Polish sausages ($6.50).

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Chris martin
Chris martin

The Cubs sell every type of hot dog and polish dog known to man and all are delicious.  There is also decent pizza, fries, and pretzels but i’d rather fill up outside the park rather than eating inside.

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