Best insider tip for Wrigley Field?

- Jordan Digby 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
1 answer
Because of the popularity of the Cubs, most people think that “good” seats at Wrigley are either impossible to find or too expensive. But are they, really? I’ll let you in on a little tip that is sure to make your wallet happy. Sure, seats down at infield level are some of the best in the ballpark, but look for a spot near the foul poles on either side of the outfield for an equally fantastic view of one of the most legendary stadiums in baseball. These seats provide a terrific panoramic view of the field for a fraction of the cost of a reserved infield box seat. And, as an added bonus, the shadows from the upper deck seats above will provide for some much-needed shade on a grueling, hot summer day in Chicago. Bargains are the name of the game when ticket hunting at Wrigley, and these seats are the best bargains in the house.
- Nick Pecucci answered 10 years ago
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If you plan on attending a game at Wrigley, be sure to arrive EARLY! Traffic around the ballpark can keep you from getting to the game on time for the first pitch if you cut it too close. Plus, the earlier you get there, the more time you have to check out every possible facet of Wrigley’s 101-year history. Walking around the concourse before the game is the best way to take in the sights and sounds of the ballpark without missing a pitch!
- Matt Scully answered 10 years ago
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I would suggest sitting in the bleachers. They are completely separate from the rest of the stadium and tickets must be bought over in that area. However, this is where the True Cub fans sit and its a once in a lifetime opportunity.
- Chris martin answered 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
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