Best Bars around Commerzbank Arena?
1 answer
There aren’t too many bars in the immediate area around the stadium, so if want to have a drink or three with the local fans you should make a beeline for the Frankfurt Ultras (G-Block) bar and really getting a taste of a passionate match build up. If you are after more of a relaxed and laid back feel before the game, you should try the lounge bar at Riederwald.
Another popular place with the local fans is oddly enough at the German National Alsatian Dog Association! The Bar has a mural filled with Eintracht Frankfurt badges as well as the dogs!
For a more traditional pre game build up there are the old faithful’s of O’Reillys Irish Pub and a branch of Hooters in the centre of town.
- Lukas Muller answered 8 years ago
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As with nearly all purpose built out-of-town stadia, there really no bars close at hand aside from the beer trucks that set up for the game. They’ll do, of course, and if the weather is nice than the surrounding woods are a scenic enough spot in which to enjoy a drink before the match. Wherever you end up drinking, remember to sample ebbelwoi, the apple wine that is beloved in Frankfurt and the surrounding areas.
- Mike Wood answered 8 years ago
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The stadium itself is pretty far outside of Frankfurt which explains why the lively bar scene in the city center is far from our venue. Nevertheless, I want to point out two specific pubs which are close to the stadium and home to many Eintracht Frankfurt fans when they attend a match. They are called “Hexenhaus Frankfurt” and “Bistro Reflex”, only about 5 minutes to walk from the stadium and right next to the metro station “Stadion”. Go in there to get in touch with local supporters and have some beers or a “Bratwurst” before the game, it is always great fun!
- Johannes Mohr answered 8 years ago
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