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Traffic around Minute Maid Park ?

1 answer

Chris martin
Chris martin
Great Answer

Houston is a gigantic city and has traffic problems at all hours of the day.  There are just so many people driving to events, airports, etc. and when there are games you can plan on sitting in traffic.  There really isn’t any way to avoid this so just be patient and listen to the post game or pre-game on the radio.

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Linzee Davis
Linzee Davis

Traffic is bad, Houston is busy especially when a big game is going on. The traffic is inevitable, but that’s what bars and everything are for, to wait for it to die down. 

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The traffic is what you would expect in a big city.  It is crazy busy during rush hour but okay once the games are over.  The cops do a pretty decent job of directing traffic through lights to get them on their way.

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