1 answer
The Hunstman is a friendly pub barely a quarter of an hour from King Power Stadium, making it ideal for travelling fans to quench a little thirst before settling down. Another option is the Counting House, again only a few minutes’ walk from the stadium. It should usually be fine for away fans, however it can occasionally refuse away fans for high profile or contentious matches; you just have to wait and see on the day.
- Jake Burgess answered 8 years ago
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For away fans there are a few places to go:
The Soaring Eagle Bar and Grill is housed in the Holiday Inn, and is just a 30 second walk from the stadium itself – making it perfect for away fans before the game.
Around a 10 minute walk are both the Counting House and the Local Hero, which are both pubs that allow a mix of home and away supporters – provided that everyone behaves themselves!
Of course, near the station is a trusty Wetherspoons Pub – The Last Plantagenet – taking it’s name from the newly discovered king.
- Sam Hurst answered 8 years ago
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