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Best insider tip for Hard Rock Stadium ?


1 answer

Dionne Fraser
Dionne Fraser
Good Answer

Well, my family and I were going to a football game last year, and we wanted to tailgate before hand, so we brought a little mini grill… you know, those ones from Wal-Mart. When we finished grilling, there was no place for us to empty out the grill and the hot contents, so we had to douse it out with water and throw it out in a regular trash can and hoped for the best. My insider tip would be to just bring pre-made food! So you don’t have to worry about disposal! And that way, you enjoy your tailgate to the fullest. 

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Get there early and if possible leave a little early as well. The traffic can get brutal. Also, try to eat beforehand or during the tailgate. The food is subpar and overpriced. 

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Nichole Choice
Nichole Choice

If you’re not from around here, it’s important to note that there is not a lot of nightlife bar or restaurant action just outside of the venue. Bring appetizers, snacks, and refreshments from home. If you have a small grill, even better, because anyone who is anyone gets their party on before the game in the parking lot as a tailgater.

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