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Best food and drink at BMO Harris Bradley Center ?

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They have all the typical Wisconsin favorites like brats, beer and cheese curds, but they also have other favorites like corn dogs, jumbo pretzels, pizza and ice cream.  They also strive to keep local brands the focus with the likes of Lakefront, MillerCoors and Leinenkugel’s brand of beer and Usinger’s sausages.

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Riley McDonald
Riley McDonald

There is a lot of concessions to choose from. I like the polish sausage the best and throw in some fries or pretzels and its a good filled up meal.  They also have pizza, a slew of ice cream and desserts, and a bunch of drink options.

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Chris martin
Chris martin

The Bradley Center has a lot of food and drink choices to choose from.  They have corn dogs, pretzels, polish sausages, pizza and soda and beer.   There is also ice cream, Italian ice, and cookies on sale.  The drinks are of course Miller focused and they have a wide selection of these.  In the suite levels you can get wine and other cocktails.  



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Erik A
Erik A

As I am not of the drinking age I would not know much of alcohol sales. I can though inform you that the venue in Millwaukee does have tasty food such as hot dogs, brats, burgers,fries,cheese curds, etc. All enjoyable foods to eat while spectating the one and only Millwaukee Bucks:).

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