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Traffic around Red Bull Arena ?

1 answer

Riley McDonald
Riley McDonald
Best Answer

Traffic always sucks in New York but the Red Bull stadium is the least busy compared to other stadiums like Yankee Stadium, Madison Square Garden, and Citi Field.  I still like to take public transportation if it is a game during the week but on the weekend I am fine taking my car down to the game.

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Chris martin
Chris martin

It’s not impossible to drive to a game, but it’s better not to. Plunked down across the Hackensack River from Newark, the area wasn’t designed for heavy traffic. There are several parking lots within a few blocks of the Arena.  Red Bull Arena is easily accessible via mass transit. 

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Moe Mahamed
Moe Mahamed

It’s not as bad driving to through traffic to get to a Red Bull game. The best way to go to any New York sports venue is to ride public transit. There are parking decks a couple blocks from the stadium, but thats about it. 

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