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Artifacts to look for at Citizens Bank Park ?

1 answer

Chris martin
Chris martin
Great Answer

Outside the Citizens Bank Park there are 10-foot-tall bronze statues of Richie Ashburn, Robin Roberts, Steve Carlton, and Mike Schmidt, all members of the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.  Mike Schmidt was one of my favorite third baseman of all time and I still remember his dancing around the bases when he hit his famous home run.  There is also another statue nearby of Connie Mack, the great Philadelphia A’s manager.  This was one of the few artifacts taken from the run down Veterans Stadium to bring over to the new park.

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Tim Gilmore
Tim Gilmore

Since we had our young girls with us, they were not too interested in the Baseball history of the park, however they did enjoy the Bronze Statues along Ashburn Alley. They did allow me a brief stroll down the Wall of Fame to see the former Greats of the Phillies organization memorialized.

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