Recent mentions of Sports Where I Am in the media.

Sports Where I Am CEO Matt Scully joined Sports Geek’s Sean Callanan to discuss sports travel on the Sports Geek podcast.

Nick Riewoldt joined The Hot Breakfast with Eddie McGuire on Triple M to speak about Sports Where I Am.

AFL player Nick Riewoldt shares his top tips for visiting Houston, Texas

“A lot of the information on the app is actually provided by fans who have actually experienced something at that stadium themselves. So if I go to a game at NRG Stadium in Houston to watch the Texans and went to a really good Mexican restaurant or a BBQ joint beforehand…”

Web Buzz: SportsWhereIAm.com gets tourists into the game
On the road or on vacation? This website will help you find a sporting event at your destination. See what your sports options are, based on where and when you’re visiting.

SportsWhereIAm: Global sporting events under one digital roof
Some say you never quite know a city until you’ve gone to a game with the locals. Aussie entrepreneur Matt Scully has had the pleasure of travelling around the world, but ticking off ‘must see’ tourist destinations began losing its appeal after a while.

Australians’ unrivalled love of sport has inspired a new website and app designed to help fans get to where they need to be to barrack for their favourite player or team.

Ticket Liquidator and Sports Where I Am Announce Partnership
Ticket Liquidator, a leading online marketplace for tickets to live sporting and entertainment events, and Sports Where I Am, a platform offering an all-in-one solution for travelling sports fans