Artifacts to look for at Oriole Park at Camden Yards ?
1 answer
There are two sets of statues commemorating the Oriole’s greatest players. On the famous Eutaw Street are the numbers 4, 5, 8, 20, 22, and 33. They represent the retired numbers of Oriole Great’s Earl Weaver, Brooks Robinson, Cal Ripken, Jr., Frank Robinson, Jim Palmer, and Eddie Murray. There are also bronze sculptures of the six O’s legends located beyond center field in the bullpen area. They also have a plaque for Cal Ripken’s historic record for consecutive games played in.
- Chris martin answered 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
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Outside of the statues and numbers, one of my favorite things to see when I go to the ballpark are the markers for each home run that is hit onto Eutaw St. Each circular market has the name of who hit it, when they hit it and the distance of the home run on it. It’s great to see where Chris Davis has hit all of his home runs over the past few years.
- Tyler Parris answered 10 years ago
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The most import Artifacts at Camden Yards are the Numbers of the Oriole Greats at the Main Entrance. It is fun to see if you can name all the players or managers that the Numbers represent.
- Tim Gilmore answered 10 years ago
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