Best Food and Drink at New York Stadium?

- Jordan Digby 8 years ago
- last edited 8 years ago
1 answer
I’d love to say that at the bottom of the championship in their small stadium, that Rotherham charged better prices for their food…but I’d be lying! It’s £3.20 for a simple pie or a pasty, and nearly £4 for a hot dog or burger.
The usual suspects are on the beer taps: John Smith’s and Fosters are £3.40 a pint, bottles of Bulmers will cost £3.20 and wine is available for £4 a (tiny) bottle.
- Jake Burgess answered 8 years ago
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Despite languishing at the bottom of the Championship – Rotherham still charge fairly normal prices for much of their food and drinks – however unlike a lot of grounds, they offer a comprehensive pricing list on their website so you don’t have any nasty surprises when you get to the stadium.
Any type of pie will cost you £3.20, though they do have a fair few options, and a hot dog or a burger costs a little more at £3.80
Bottles of Fosters and John Smiths will cost £3.40, while a pint of draught will be £3.70!
- Sam Hurst answered 8 years ago
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