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Best Food and Drink at New York Stadium?

Jordan Digby

1 answer

Jake Burgess
Jake Burgess

I’d love to say that at the bottom of the championship in their small stadium, that Rotherham charged better prices for their food…but I’d be lying! It’s £3.20 for a simple pie or a pasty, and nearly £4 for a hot dog or burger.

The usual suspects are on the beer taps: John Smith’s and Fosters are £3.40 a pint, bottles of Bulmers will cost £3.20 and wine is available for £4 a (tiny) bottle.

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Sam Hurst
Sam Hurst

Despite languishing at the bottom of the Championship – Rotherham still charge fairly normal prices for much of their food and drinks – however unlike a lot of grounds, they offer a comprehensive pricing list on their website so you don’t have any nasty surprises when you get to the stadium.

Any type of pie will cost you £3.20, though they do have a fair few options, and a hot dog or a burger costs a little more at £3.80

Bottles of Fosters and John Smiths will cost £3.40, while a pint of draught will be £3.70!


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