1 answer
Dine in! One of the things I’m looking forward to when I finally go to the Moda Center is the ability to eat quality food while at a sports event. Stadium food generally has a reputation for serving up beer and junk food, but back in 2014, the Moda Center brought in tons of local Portland businesses to serve up delicious food and locally-crafted beers. This definitely sounds better than nachos and a diet coke if you ask me.
- WillB answered 10 years ago
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I agree the food is amazing. Staying and eating food in the actual stadium is so much better than going out. You can end up paying the same prices and getting way better feed by dining in at the stadium, than going out to eat. These serve high quality delicous food. And it’s an experience to be able to eat at The Moda Center anyway.
- Liv Augler answered 10 years ago
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