Things to check out around Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum ?

- Adrian Gale 10 years ago
- last edited 7 years ago
1 answer
There’s not a whole lot to do in the immediate neighborhood of the Coliseum. Some have said they wouldn’t go anywhere near that neighborhood at night. That could be an exaggeration but nonetheless, it is Oakland, a city of diversity and crime, so just get into the stadium, because most of the action you’re looking for is within the Coliseum walls!
- Nichole Choice answered 10 years ago
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Directly around the stadium has little to offer entertainment-wise, you may have to go a bit further out in order to get some bars and restaurants worth checking out. If you grab a Drake’s brew at the game, check out their HQ afterwards, it’s only about 30 mins away, and is a great place to end the night.
- Alec answered 10 years ago
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