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Best and worst seats at Guaranteed Rate Field?


1 answer

Nick Pecucci
Nick Pecucci
Good Answer

–Best seats in the house?

Like most other ballparks, the best seats at Guaranteed Rate Field are the Infield Reserved Boxes down either the first or third base line. These seats offer a breathtaking view of the sights and sounds of a Sox game and are likely the best options for any fans seeking a foul ball. Keep your head up!
–Worst seats in the house?

The worst seats at Guaranteed Rate Field are located in the Upper Deck. The game action can often be hard to see from the view high in the sky and fans can expect to battle the sun on harsh summer days.

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Went to an early season day game in April 2016. It was a freezing day, so crowd wasn’t massive. The guy at the ticket counter gave us a great tip, due to a low crowd expected he advised us to buy the cheapest tickets possible at $9 (3rd level in back corner).

Here’s where it gets good, inside the stadium there’s a counter where you get reissued new tickets due to top level not opening. So we ended up getting bottom level seating, maybe 20 rows back, down the 3rd base line for $9!

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