Best Food and Drink at Silverstone Circuit?
1 answer
Unlike football stadiums or, in fact, most other sports events, the Grand Prix brings with it a host of delicious food and drink options! There are craft beer tents, grills dedicated to churning out bacon sandwiches and all sorts of other cuisines besides, including: barbecues, sushi, pancakes, stir fry and fish n chips. It’s a big money business, so the options are there. It’s quite pricey, but all part of the experience.
- Jake Burgess answered 8 years ago
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There are some fantastic options for eating at Silverstone, however be prepared to pay top dollar for them, this is an F1 circuit after all – and F1 is anything but cheap.
However is you are prepared to spend some cash then there is something for any taste! If you fancy a sit down meal then head over to Fantastic Feasts Bistro for some great light lunch options – there is no reservation service, so its more of a show up and hope type of deal.
As for tents and vans there really is an abundance – with Pizza, Thai, Indian, Chinese, Sushi, Fish and Chips as well as the glorious bacon sandwich! Take your pick and enjoy the race.
- Sam Hurst answered 8 years ago
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