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Things to check out around Circuit Ricardo Tormo?

1 answer

Julian Garcia Nigris
Julian Garcia Nigris

Just round the (10/11km) corner is the chance for an adventure weekend you aren’t likely to forget anytime soon! Valencia Adventure is run by a crazy team of experienced adrenaline junkies and offers an incredibly diverse range of sports, including skydiving, canyoning, kayaking, climbing…the list goes on! Some of the guides speak English, others don’t – this hasn’t stopped countless groups who don’t speak a word of Spanish from having an incredible day, night or weekend here. Check it out!

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The racetrack is located 9 kilometers far from Cheste, a cute town that deserves to be visited. Plaza del Castillo is the heart of the town, where a castle was situated before. You can also visit La Morería, the oldest neighbourhood in Cheste. Buñol is not far from the racetrack and it can be a really interesting visit. The town is famous because of the “Tomatina”, this crazy party where everyone throws tomatoes.

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