What to expect from the Volkswagen Arena crowd?
1 answer
Make no mistake about it, the Volkswagen Arena is a really nice place to go. The crowd are treated to some good football and a lot of the players in the team could feature in any of the top teams around Europe. However – whereas at Dortmund, Schalke and Munich – you get fan bases that are crazy about their team and are ultra passionate in their support – the family friendly nature of the team lessens this charged atmosphere a tad. It’s no St Pauli, put it that way. That isn’t to say that the atmosphere is lacking though! It’s a great day out!
- Lukas Muller answered 8 years ago
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Volkswagen is everywhere, but don’t go thinking that Wolfsburg is a corporate team. They were founded by the factory workers rather than the factory and have always maintained a separate, if closely linked, identity. The main active supporters group stand behind the northern goal and they create quite the show, so try and get as close to there as possible.
- Mike Wood answered 8 years ago
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The Wolfsburg fan scene is nothing really to be scared of as a guest fan. They may be somewhat cheerful, but nothing compared to many other clubs in Germany. Perhaps, it’s the fact that Wolfsburg is a pure industrial and manufacturing city and the club itself doesn’t have the biggest portion of tradition. Anyway, I can never really get super excited about the atmosphere inside the stadium, although it’s become better over the years. One will see what the future holds.
- Johannes Mohr answered 8 years ago
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