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Yankee Stadium seating ?

1 answer

Chris martin
Chris martin
Good Answer

This is a subjective question, but in my opinion (and a few others by the look of it) the seats in sections 226-227B (right by third base) and 213-214B (right by first base) are great value. Even the next group of main-level seats a little further into the outfield — 228-230 and 210-212 are decent.

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Chris martin
Chris martin

If money is no concern ($400+ tickets), the Legends Suite 11-29: offer the most comfortable seats with the best view in the ballpark. If you want to be up close to the action and have a chance of spotting some a-list celebs, this is the place.

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Chris martin
Chris martin

Value for money wise, the bleachers are of course the most economical. If you are looking for an experience, this will certainly provide one! (good or bad). Not sure if I would recommend it if you are taking your family out to the game though! The infamous ‘bleacher creatures’ sit in the right field bleachers, in Section 203. This may be the best atmosphere you’ll find, but don’t be surprised if you hear bad language and see the occasional brawl between fans!

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Chris martin
Chris martin

TIP: Double check that your ticket has not got obstructed views. There are roughly 1,048 seats in the bleachers that have obstructed views of the opposite outfield.

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Riley McDonald
Riley McDonald

The best seats are on the first base line because you get to see the interaction between the Yankee players.  You also get your fair share of foul balls and players throwing the balls into the crowd.  I have also sat in the outfield and loved being with the true New Yorkers.

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Matt Scully
Matt Scully

Our exact seats were in Section 410, Row 10 and we paid about $25 each for the tickets. They were pretty high up, but it was actually a really great view from up there. 

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