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Things to check out around Palacio de Deportes Jose Maria Martin Carpena?

1 answer

Julian Garcia Nigris
Julian Garcia Nigris

The Palace isn’t situated in the nicest of areas, so one great option is to hop on a couple bikes and go on an adventure! Companies like bike2malaga and malagabiketours offer guided tours around the nicest and most interesting parts of the city, or you can just rent the bike yourself and do your own thing. Since it’s almost perpetually sunny down on the south coast, you’re bound to work up a sweat, so you can hop into some of the gorgeous bars you’re bound to find en route. Win-win!

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The venue is quite far from the city centre, so it’s better to take a bus to go there. The good new is Palacio de Deportes is located only 5 minutes from the beach, so you don’t have to go very far away to enjoy if the weather is warm! You will love the friendly atmosphere and bars around the city centre. There are palm trees everywhere and you will think you are in a paradise! You will be sure of that when you walk around “Paseo del Parque” (a nice path between gardens) or discover amazing squares like Plaza de la Marina.

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