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Best Bars around El Sadar Stadium?

1 answer


El Sadar stadium is located in the south of the city centre, very close to the University area. Due to its location, you can find nice and cheap bars around the venue. Pamplona is very well known because of pintxos (similar to spanish tapas) culture, so you can try them in almost any bar. Casa Albero is a good place to drink and eat something, one of the Osasuna supporters’ favourite bars in the area. Don’t forget to stop here for a beer pre-game!

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Julian Garcia Nigris
Julian Garcia Nigris

The stadium is situated just a few kilometres South of Pamplona itself, so as long as you head North of the stadium, there are options for keeping yourself hydrated. However, they aren’t within seeing-distance of the stadium. Bar Bodegas is pretty near by, and also does top quality food for those looking to line their stomachs with a little something something. Just up the road (quite literaly) is Bar Goroabe, a dedicated watering hole with a rustic feel: wooden chairs, simple decor and classic drinks.

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