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Best giveaways at Yankee Stadium ?

1 answer

Robby Jeune
Robby Jeune
Great Answer

On StubHub, the site announces if there is a giveaway for that particular Yankee game. So if you want more bang for your buck, keep on the lookout with games that include giveaways such as bobbleheads, plaque dedications, hats, etc… Doesn’t hurt to get a gift to go to the game!

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Chris martin
Chris martin

The Yankees are by far one of the best teams to give giveaways during the season. There are always free shirts, hats, bats, baseballs, cards, and the ever popular bobble head night.

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Riley McDonald
Riley McDonald

Bobblehead night is always a great time to go to the game.  The Yankees also give out miniature bats and t-shirts.  If only I could get one of those gift baskets from Derek Jeter. 🙂

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