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Best Insider tip at Riverside Stadium?

1 answer

Jake Burgess
Jake Burgess

While the parking near the stadium isn’t terrible, a cheeky find by some local experts lets us know that when driving to the match along the A66, you should follow the ‘away coaches’ signs. Of course, you don’t go all the way, but an array of private parking options will open up for you within an easy walk of the venue. At around £4 a car, it’s a convenient option compared to lugging yourself around the stadium, hoping for a space!

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Sam Hurst
Sam Hurst

A stadium tour of the Riverside Stadium is a must for any Boro’ fan, and for just £12, it’s something you really can;t afford to miss out on! Starting out upstairs in the directors box and boardroom itself, make your way down to the home and away dressing rooms, before stopping off in the referees dressing room! Something that doesn’t happen on very many tours!

Then take a run town the tunnel before getting close and personal with the players dugout.

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