Sports Authority Field at Mile High parking ?
1 answer
Street parking is VERY limited on gameday. Some local residents aren’t even allowed to park in front of their own homes. Your best bet is to pony up the dough ($10-20) and tailgate in the stadium lots. It may make for slower travel out but very worth it. Auraria Campus also offers parking in their lots located just east of I-25.
- Matthew Luisier answered 10 years ago
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There is fantastic parking at Mile High. There is 6,500 on-site parking spaces at the stadium, with an additional 12,000 located at nearby offsite locations. There is also a shuttle service that is very well organized and stress-free as well.
- Kale answered 10 years ago
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Most fans park in the official lots because there is not a lot of street parking near the stadium. There is also a lot of shuttles from farther out lots. Some people ride bikes close to the stadium and walk the remaining bit.
- Ari Royal answered 10 years ago
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